Friday, June 4, 2010

Public Forum: The Politics of Poverty and Public Health

The World Health Organization says health inequalities result from
“a toxic combination of poor social policies and programmes, unfair
economic arrangements, and bad politics.”

Canadians might well ask: “Why is it so hard to reduce poverty and close
the health equity gap in such a rich country?”

A panel of eminent political and public health leaders, as part of the
Canadian Public Health Association Centennial Conference, will reflect on
this challenge and debate the politics of the way forward.

Everyone welcome!

Monday, June 14, 2010
Sheraton Centre Toronto
Grand Ballroom, Lower Concourse
123 Queen Street West
7:00pm – 9:00pm


Carolyn Bennett, MP, St. Paul’s, Toronto

Andrea Horwath, MPP, Hamilton Centre

David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health, Toronto

Jessica Yee, Executive Director, Native Youth Sexual Health Network

Paulette Senior, CEO, YWCA Canada

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