Monday, May 25, 2009

NURSING RESEARCH DAY (Ryerson) - Leading Research for Health in Our Communities

It's not too late to register for:

The Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing 2nd Annual Research Day:

Leading Research for Health in Our Communities
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
Ryerson University, Toronto ON
Registration Deadline:
Early-bird reduced rate - May 30, 2009
Regular rate - June 15, 2009

The goal of this conference is to provide a venue for sharing research findings and fostering exchange of ideas relevant to enhancing health in our communities. Dialogue and debate will centre on current priority issues, crossing sectoral boundaries, and addressing barriers to health within diverse communities, to advance health research for policy and practice.

Keynote Speaker:

Dr. Marilyn Ford Gilboe

TR Meighen Family Foundation Community Nursing Professor
Chair of Graduate Programs, School of Nursing, University of Western Ontario

Featured panelists:
Dr. Colleen Varcoe
School of Nursing, University of British Columbia

Dr. Judith Wuest
Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick

Co-sponsored by The Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University and
Lambda Pi-at-Large Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International

Conference will be preceded by:
Program Evaluation Workshop
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Facilitated by Dr. Souraya Sidani
Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 and Director of the Health Intervention Research Centre, Ryerson University

To register, please complete attached registration form and send to

For more information, please visit our website

Or contact: Daphne Paszterko, dpaszter[at], 416-979-5000 x7076

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