Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship - Deadline: Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

The Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship Program is presented by Scadding Court Community Centre and Toronto Community Housing to recognize the commitment of young people involved in anti-racism, diversity and/or leadership on building healthy communities initiatives. This scholarship will provide graduating students with $4,000 to cover costs of tuition fees, books, tools, etc for your first year of the post secondary education program you are attending.

Students who attend Ryerson University, University of Toronto, York University or Centennial College on this scholarship program are eligible for a continuation grant of up to $4,000 in their second year.

St. Stephen’s Community House Employment Centre and Summer Jobs program is partnered with the scholarship program to connect you with interested employers and offers a variety of workshops to assist you with resume writing, job searching and job matching. To be eligible for this program, you must fill out the last page of the application form.

For more information please contact Areej Hasso, Manager of Special Projects, Scadding Court Community Centre, at (416) 392-0335.

Applications must be received no later than Tuesday March 31, 2009 - 4:30pm

Forms and more info at:

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