Thursday, January 15, 2009

PAHO/WHO COMPETITION: Best Practices that incorporate a gender/ethnic equality perspective in health

From the PAHO/WHO Equity listserv:

REMINDER: Best Practices that incorporate a gender/ethnic equality perspective in health


DEADLINE: 31 January 2009

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) is convening the second competition of Best Practices that incorporate a gender/ethnic equality perspective in health, within the framework of the celebration of the International Women’s Day that will take place in Washington DC. In this competition, two experiences will be selected and rewarded. During the Celebration, an award will be given to the winning Best Practice for each of the following categories:

  • An organization related to the public sector (Ministry of Health, another Sector–Education, Ministry of Women - , NGO or academic institution that works with the public health sector) that has developed a Best Practice incorporating a gender perspective in health that includes populations of ethnic origin (indigenous population, African descent, migrant, displaced).
  • A regional, national or local project and/or program developed or supported by PAHO that includes a gender equality approach.

A representative per each of the two winning Best Practice will be invited by the Director of PAHO, Dr Mirta Roses, to present the experience during the International Women’s Day celebration on 9 March 2009 in Washington, D.C. Furthermore, each institution that represents the winning experience will receive five thousand dollars in order to publish the Best Practice and lessons learned, using a PAHO Best Practice template, that then will be disseminated and included in PAHO database of Best Practices for Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Health.

The call for applications are opened from 15 December 2008 up to 31 January 2009. For more information please send an e-mail to:

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