Friday, May 22, 2009

RESOURCE - Measuring Equity of Care in Hospital Settings: From Concepts to Indicators

A new resource has been released by the Centre for Research in Inner City Health at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto that presents 10 indicators for use to measure and monitor equity in hospitals. The report can be read here:

Introduction from the Executive Summary:

The province of Ontario has identified the need to address inequities in health
care (Rachlis, 2007). In 2009, the Toronto Central Local Health Integration
Network (TC-LHIN) required hospitals to begin reporting on equity initiatives.
Despite increasing interest, measuring equity in hospitals is a relatively new
practice in Canada. Knowledge of indicators best suited for assessing equity in
hospitals, including how best to measure and take action relative to these
indicators, is only just developing.
The Centre for Research on Inner City Health (CRICH) at St. Michael’s Hospital
partnered with the Hospital Collaborative on Marginalized Populations in the
TC-LHINto complete a review of scholarly and grey literature concerning existing
approaches for measuring equity of care in the hospital setting.

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